Tuesday, 28 February 2017

The Big move

okay......so I guess I better fill you in on why I've decided to start this blog?

Ive been living in Melbourne Australia since 16th November 2016! We moved from the UK and have been here Almost 4 months now....it's gone flipping fast I can tell you! I moved here with my two children and my husband for a new job! He got the offer After meeting an old boss whilst we had a holiday in oz last April 2016! 

Originally we had a three year plan to make the move ourselves as we had been discussing emigrating for a few years! But this was massively fast tracked when he was given this opportunity.

Also we have a lovely fur baby named sammy who is actually starting his journey over here to join us tomorrow! It was a tough decision to bring our dog as it was really expensive and as much as hubby loves him he would have rehomed him! I couldn't bare to though as he is my little best friend so that was that

Our children are settling well into the new school routine and starting to make friendships and I've made a few lovely friends which is great as I have amazing friend in the uk who I miss dearly! (They know who they are)

We are renting a house and have a lease signed for a year but may renew when the time comes if it's offered? It's a huge house an far too big for us but we fell in love with it! Well you don't move to the other side of the world for BLAH do you? We wanted the dream "LOL" wether we should have is another idea altogether.

So life here is a little different to what we are used to that's for sure and whenever I get the chance and remember I started this little blog up I'll add snippets of things we have done, places we have been to and pretty much anything I fancy sharing.

So for now till I manage to upload any pics this is it.

Speak soon.x

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